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Last Updated: 20/01/2025 15:39:13
Tuesday, 28 May 2013 09:02
Dumfries and Galloway Council is one of only 5 councils across Scotland to introduce a Champions Board for looked after children and young people.
Young people from our Council’s Listen2Us project took part in a major national event in...
Thursday, 23 May 2013 10:42
Moffat Town Hall is undergoing a programme of repairs and refurbishment.
To enable essential work to be completed on the roof and ceiling, it is necessary to closeMoffat Library on Tuesday 4 June.
The library willreopenon Saturday 8 June. The...
Thursday, 23 May 2013 09:37
Our Council is working to improve and maintain the quality of roads in Dumfries and Galloway; one of our commitments (agreed June 2012) is to ‘spend at least £50m over the next 5 years on our roads’.
DGFirst carries out road...
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 16:30
Open for Business event
Thursday 30 May 2013, 4.30pm to 8pm
Duncan Suite, Easterbrook Hall, Dumfries
Dumfries and Galloway Council is hosting an Open for Business event on Monday 30 May, from 4.30pm to 8pm, at Easterbrook Hall in Dumfries....
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 15:41
Fèis an Iar-Dheas means Festival of the South West; it is a day of Gaelic music and culture and will be held in Castle Douglas from 10am to 5pm on 16 June 2013.
This is the second Fèis in Dumfries and Galloway; the first was in Wigtown...
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 15:34
The RBC Film Theatre is bringing back the magic of a morning at the movies with its brand new idea, The Wee Film Club. The Wee Film Club will show children's films on the first Saturday of each month at 10.30am, beginning on Saturday 1...
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 13:40
Calling all clubs, organisations and individuals with an interest in sport in the Stewartry…
Dumfries and Galloway Council, in partnership with Stewartry Sports Council,is hosting a Stewartry Sport Engagement Event on Monday 27th May from...
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 13:37
The Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women Partnership (DAVAWP) has launched a new leaflet that focuses on Emotional Abuse.
The new leaflet was developed by the Domestic Abuse Team after receiving feedback from a group of Domestic Abuse survivors...
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 10:59
£5000 of funding from the Scottish Government’s Taking Science Fund has been awarded to Langholm to celebrate astronaut Neil Armstrong’s life through a series of space and astronomy focussed events for young people and adults....
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 16:44
At Policy and Resources committee this morning (21 May 2013) Councillors committed to a £12.6M investment to take forwardsuperfast Broadband for households and businesses across the region.
The government funded national programme hopes to...
Page last updated: 20/05/2022