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Last Updated: 11/02/2025 14:14:59

Wednesday, 19 June 2013 07:58
A stylish new exhibition will open at Annan Museum this Saturday. Dress to Impress looks at the way men and women have chosen to wear clothes that make an impact, particularly when posing for a camera, providing a glamorous glimpse into the past. After...
Monday, 17 June 2013 15:07
Langholm’s first and only Freeman, Astronaut Neil Armstrong has been commemorated in the town with a series of space and science events which culminated at the weekend. Visitors from across the UK joined local people on Friday evening in Langholm...
Monday, 17 June 2013 13:47
Last week Primary 7 pupils from the Maxwelltown High Cluster took part in an interactive transition event called ‘Friends Like Us’ at St Ninian’s Primary School. The event, run by Youth Alive in partnerships withour Council's...
Thursday, 13 June 2013 16:05
Social Work Services Committee will meet on 20 June with an agenda that will help to determine its way forward. Councillors will discuss a variety of topics including:- • Social Work Services’ performance over the past year • The...
Thursday, 13 June 2013 14:43
Over 1000 school children in Nithsdale have been treated to a week of sporting events by students from Dumfries and Galloway College. The students, supported by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Leisure and Sport Department, organised a week of...
Thursday, 13 June 2013 13:50
Libraries across Dumfries and Galloway are getting ready to introduce children to the Creepy House. Step into the Creepy House andchildren areoff on an imaginative adventure that will keepthem reading throughout the school summer holidays From the...
Wednesday, 12 June 2013 15:47
Talented athletes from the region represented Dumfriesand Galloway at the Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) National Junior Athletics Championships on Wednesday 5 June at Grangemouth Stadium. The team waspulled togetherby Dumfriesand Galloway Disability...
Tuesday, 11 June 2013 13:35
A fascinating new exhibition opens at Dumfries Museum on Saturday 15 June. The Great Moss reveals the story of one of the largest areas of raised bog in Europe - the internationally important Lochar Moss. The exhibition investigates the human and natural...
Tuesday, 11 June 2013 10:55
Adult Learners’ Week in Annan is being celebrated by theDumfries and Galloway Councilwith the launch of a story-writing competition. Open to Annan residents aged 16 years and over, people of all abilities are invited to write a short story or...
Monday, 10 June 2013 16:10
NHS Dumfries and Galloway will be in attendance at the next scheduled meeting of Wigtown Area Committeeat 7pm on Thursday 20 June 2013, Main Hall, Stranraer Academy to provide an update on Anaesthetics, Accident & Emergency and Maternity Services in...
Page last updated: 20/05/2022
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