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Last Updated: 11/02/2025 14:14:59

NHS to attend Wigtown Area Committee meeting
Monday, 10 June 2013 16:10
NHS Dumfries and Galloway will be in attendance at the next scheduled meeting of Wigtown Area Committee at 7pm on Thursday 20 June 2013, Main Hall, Stranraer Academy to provide an update on Anaesthetics, Accident & Emergency and Maternity Services in relation to the Galloway Community Hospital, Stranraer. 

This is part of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s commitment to arranging a programme of local Area Committee Community Meetings.

Wigtown Area Committee Chair, Roberta Tuckfield, said, “We have tried to identify key topics this year that would be of interest to the community and we look forward to receiving updates from the NHS representatives on these key services.”

This is the fourth Community meeting held so far this year with previous topics being Young People’s Issues, the Stranraer Millennium Centre and Newton Stewart Golf Club.
Members of the public, community councils, partners and stakeholders are all invited to attend.
Page last updated: 20/05/2022
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