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Last Updated: 11/02/2025 14:14:59

Neil Armstrong exhibition has student in his element
Monday, 10 June 2013 10:12

Langholm student Hayden Goodfellow is in his element working with volunteers staffing the ‘From the Moon to the Muckle Toon’ exhibition in Langholm Town Hall.

Inspired by Neil Armstrong to study astrophysics, Hayden, a student at St Andrews University, is providing visitors with detailed insights into space exploration and travel. 

He's also demonstrating space food to young people from the Langholm After School Club at Langholm Playcare.

The exhibition opened on 3 June and visitors have been very appreciative of it.  It includes film footage Neil Armstrong’s visit to Langholm in 1972 (if you were there, see if you can see yourself on film), details his career, and has space suits for people to try on.  The exhibition is open in Langholm Town Hall Gallery until Saturday 15 June. 

The exhibition is only one part of a wider programme of activities taking place in the town to celebrate the life of Neil Armstrong.

‘Did we Really Land on the Moon?’, a fascinating public talk debunking the moon hoax theories by Professor Martin Hendry takes place in the Buccleuch Centre on 13 June at 1.30pm.

On 14 June, pupils from Langholm and Canonbie Primary Schools will take part in a mobile planetarium experience by Glasgow University Astronomy and Astrophysics department.

Also on Friday 14 June, the public are welcome to attend a commemorative service in Langholm Parish Church, starting at 6.30pm.

On Saturday 15 June, Dr Stuart Clark a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, will explain what the astronauts left behind and why, in the Buccleuch Centre at 2pm.

This will be followed, at 4pm, by a free showing of the film ‘Apollo 13’.   At 9.30pm, at Langholm Rugby Club, Dumfries Astronomy Group will guide people round the summer night sky and give advice on how to use binoculars and telescopes.

For further information contact Mairi Telford-Jammeh, telephone 030 33 33 3000.




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