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Last Updated: 11/02/2025 14:14:59
Make a noise in your library
Thursday, 06 June 2013 14:00
Local libraries are celebrating ‘Make a Noise in Libraries Fortnight’ (MANIL). MANIL runs from the 3rd to the 14th June and the theme this year is "Signposting" - making it easier for blind and partially sighted people to get hold of books in accessible formats.
Every library will be highlighting the different formats of stock that make it easier for blind and partially sighted customers to enjoy libraries and reading. Libraries are inviting people to come in and view the array of free resources available including large print books, audio books and eBooks.
There will be two free author events, featuring Maggie Craig who will talk about her bestselling fiction set in Glasgow in the first half of 20th Century including One Sweet Moment, A Star to Steer By and The River Flows. The events are free and open to everyone to come along. There will also be an afternoon tea party with tea/coffee and baking. The events will be on:-
Meet Author Maggie Craig Thursday 13th June 2.00pm in Stranraer Library
Meet Author Maggie Craig Friday 14th June 10.00am in the Ewart Library, Dumfries
You can also drop in to the Ewart for a Free Ebook reader and tablet taster session. Try out all the different devices; Kobos, IPads, Sony e-reader, Nooks, Kindle Fire and Android tablets and find out which one suits you best.
Free taster session Wednesday 12th June 2.00pm – 4.00pm at the Ewart Library, Dumfries.
Every library will be highlighting the different formats of stock that make it easier for blind and partially sighted customers to enjoy libraries and reading. Libraries are inviting people to come in and view the array of free resources available including large print books, audio books and eBooks.
There will be two free author events, featuring Maggie Craig who will talk about her bestselling fiction set in Glasgow in the first half of 20th Century including One Sweet Moment, A Star to Steer By and The River Flows. The events are free and open to everyone to come along. There will also be an afternoon tea party with tea/coffee and baking. The events will be on:-
Meet Author Maggie Craig Thursday 13th June 2.00pm in Stranraer Library
Meet Author Maggie Craig Friday 14th June 10.00am in the Ewart Library, Dumfries
You can also drop in to the Ewart for a Free Ebook reader and tablet taster session. Try out all the different devices; Kobos, IPads, Sony e-reader, Nooks, Kindle Fire and Android tablets and find out which one suits you best.
Free taster session Wednesday 12th June 2.00pm – 4.00pm at the Ewart Library, Dumfries.
Page last updated: 20/05/2022