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Last Updated: 11/02/2025 14:14:59

Education Committee agrees next steps for Dumfries Learning Town Project
Thursday, 06 June 2013 13:44

Following a thorough debate, Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Education Committee agreed today (Thursday 6th June) to progress with developing full details on both options before referring any decision to Full Council at a later date.

Councillors voted through a motion to adopt the recommendations of the Education Committee, subject to amendments as follows:-

2.1 noted the contents of the Dumfries Learning Town: Learning and Teaching Working Groups’ Final Report – May 2013 (Appendix 1) and the emergence of modified strategic Options for educational delivery across Dumfries schools

2.2 agreed to remove Option 3 from the Dumfries Learning Town process

2.3 agreed to remit to Education Services the delivery of an outline business case to be presented to a special meeting of Education Committee in December 2013 and Full Council thereafter. Delivering the following around Options 1 & 2 

2.4 agreed to forward any further detailed questions on the Learning and Teaching Report to the group Chairs and an education panel for consideration at the Member’s Seminar on 10 June 2013 and that this Seminar be used to inform Members and Parent Council representatives of the detail and scope of the Outline Business Plans as detailed at 2.3

2.5 noted the interim record of consultation and engagement (Appendix 2) recognising that the online survey re-opened after the Dumfries Learning Town: Learning and Teaching Working Groups’ Final Report – May 2013 was made available and that the full record will be published the end of June 2013.

Councillor Gail Macgregor, Chair of the Education Committee said: "We want to make sure that all of our young people benefit equally and that our schools, colleges, Universities and local business work together for the best. Most importantly, we want to make sure that every child and young person's school experience is the best that it can be and leads on to further study or a job.

 “Education Committee today made a very important strategic decision which will allow the Education department to develop much more detail around both remaining options to allow further engagement with key stakeholders and enable Councillors to hopefully make a decision on the best way forward in December."

Councillor Rob Davidson, Vice Chair added: "We want to see the best outcome for Dumfries and for our young people, and we want to work with everyone to make this happen. I regard the decision today as a very positive step forward."




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