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Last Updated: 11/02/2025 14:14:59

Young Women’s Project Receives Funding Boost to Empower Future Leaders
Thursday, 23 May 2024 12:11

Dumfries and Galloway Young Women’s Network, a local initiative dedicated to empowering our region’s young women and girls, is thrilled to announce the receipt of a funding grant from the Young Gamechangers Fund. This generous financial support will enable the network to expand its programmes, reach more participants and strengthen its impact on the community.

The funding will be used to enhance various aspects of the Young Women’s Network’s plans, including leadership training, mentoring programmes and community outreach initiatives.

Hannah Birse, a member of the Network said: “We are incredibly grateful to the Young Gamechangers Fund for recognising the importance of investing in young women and girls. This funding will allow us to broaden our reach and support even more young women and girls in realising their potential and making meaningful contributions to our region”.

Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Youth Work Service has been supporting the development of the network since its founding in 2022. The project offers a platform for young women and girls to speak out on issues that affect them and work towards developing local and national projects, campaigns and programmes that highlight and address the issues and challenges that they identify and experience.

Councillor Ian Blake, Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities committee said: “We believe that by empowering young women, we are investing in the future. The Council’s partnership with the Young Women’s Network reflects our commitment to fostering leadership and creating opportunities for young women to thrive”.

Councillor Jackie McCamon, Vice Chair of Communities committee added: “This is great news and will create even more opportunities to provide young women and girls with the skills, confidence and the resources needed to become the next generation of leaders and changemakers. I am looking forward to seeing the project grow”.

Young women and girls aged 12 to 25 years, living working or studying in Dumfries and Galloway are invited to get involved.

To find out more, you can email or via Youth Work DG’s social media platforms @YOUTHWORKDG




Page last updated: 20/05/2022
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