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Election results - Ward 11 - Annandale North

4 councillors have been elected in Ward 11 of Dumfries and Galloway Council to represent Annandale North.

Overall result

4 councillors elected:

  • Douglas Fairbairn (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)
  • Gail Macgregor (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)
  • Stephen Thompson (Scottish National Party)
  • Adam Wilson (Scottish Labour Party)

Detailed result

The percentage poll was 47.4%. There were 5,470 valid ballot papers and 69 rejected ballot papers.

The quota of votes for a candidate to be elected was 1,095.

The first preference votes received by each of the candidates and the stage at which any candidate was elected is:

CandidateDescription (if any)First preference votesStage of election
Lisa CourtsScottish Liberal Democrats2570
Doug FairbairnScottish Conservative and Unionist1,5731
Gail MacgregorScottish Conservative and Unionist1,4071
Stephen ThompsonScottish National Party (SNP)1,3081
Adam WilsonScottish Labour Party9254
Page last updated: 09/01/2019
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