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Preparing for flooding

Flooding can happen suddenly and with little warning. It is important to be prepared for flooding with a plan in place to protect your home, belongings and family.

Flood alerts

Sign up for flood warnings

You can also:

Protecting your property

Property owners are responsible for protecting their property from flooding. For a quick guide explaining what PFR is, Ciria have created this animation. We can help with a free flood survey and you may qualify for help to buy flood protection equipment through our Property Flood Resilience Product Subsidy Scheme.

It's a good idea to have a resilience plan as a community, so that neighbours with local knowledge can help each other alongside the emergency services

Businesses and organisations

Dumfries and Galloway Council is also offering a grant of up to £3,000 to businesses and organisations to become more Flood Resilient. This fund will complement the Flood Product Subsidy Scheme which covers products to prevent ingress of water into the property. Please note that the Flood Resilience Grant is only available for premises that have been flooded at least once in the last 5 years or twice in the last 10 years. The fund will be open to applications from the 5th September 2023 until the 31st December 2023, or sooner if the fund becomes fully subscribed. For more information click weblink: https://www.bgatewaydumgal.com/how-we-can-help/climate-resilience-fund/


Having insurance is highly advisable

If you're having problems finding cover try contacting insurance companies directly or through a  broker via the British Insurance Brokers' Association.

Household emergency lifesaving plan

A plan you and your family make for times of emergency means you have information to hand which will be useful during utility outages. Keep the plan in a safe place as part of an emergency pack.

Household emergency lifesaving pack

A household emergency lifesaving pack contains essential equipment and supplies to help you during utility failures. The pack should be prepared in advance and kept safe for future use.

The Scottish Flood Forum

The Scottish Flood Forum is a charitable organisation which supports individuals and communities at risk of flooding and that have flooded. It specialises in flood recovery and resilience.

Page last updated: 21/11/2023
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