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Last Updated: 31/01/2025 16:28:12

Council Top CAT's In National Awards
Friday, 16 August 2024 15:24

A team from the council’s Thriving Communities service presented our region’s work on Community Asset Transfers to a panel of national experts on Wednesday 14 August in Edinburgh.

Selected as one of just three finalists in the COSLA Local Government Excellence Awards for Strengthening Communities and Local Democracy, officers from across the region showcased the amazing transformations that community groups have achieved over the last seven years – including a Pilgrim bunkhouse and heritage exhibition in Whithorn; a Planetarium and Gin Distillery in Kirkcudbright; eco-housing in Closeburn; and a playpark in Annan.

The Judges were particularly interested in the links between Community Asset Transfers and other work in our communities including the 59 Place Plans in progress; and were suitably impressed by the external funding of £27million that has already been brought into the region through the Transfers.

Councillor Gail Macgregor, Leader of the Council said:

“I’m delighted that the work on Community Asset Transfers has been recognised at this national level – to be one of just three finalists in this category and fifteen over all the categories itself proves just how good our arrangements are and what local people have achieved. Although I’m not one of the Judges, I know through my work as a COSLA Spokesperson that you really have to have something special to stand out from across all 32 councils, so my congratulations and thank you to everyone involved. This could not have been achieved without genuine partnership working from almost 100 groups and organisations over the last seven years; all councillors have taken an active interest in the Transfers being progressed in their Ward; and there’s many different council services who work together to make these transfers happen.”

The COSLA Awards take place in Edinburgh on 19 September.

Page last updated: 20/05/2022
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